How to change your Lyon College password
This guide is designed to help people associated with Lyon college in Batesville Arkansas reset their password.
A working computer with a connection to the the internet is required to complete this tutorial.
How to change your Lyon College password
1) Navigate to If you know your current password, login and change the password
If you do not know your current password, click "Reset password"

2) Enter your user name which should be your first and last name with a period in-between (EXAMPLE: John.Doe)
3) Enter the obscured numbers into the "Type the Captcha" field and click Continue

Answer the security questions and you will be take to a screen to update your password.
If you are staff or faculty, your new password must be 15 characters long with one special character, one capital letter, and one number.
A tip for longer passwords is to use a phrase or combination of unrelated words that have meaning to you.